Why would I name my company “Immortal Marketing”?

I turned to my wife one day and said to her “Honey, we can’t live like this anymore.  I’m going to look around on the internet to see if I can find something I can sell to make us some extra money”.

I started my business by opening an eBay Store and went into a coma 2 weeks later due to vaccine poisoning. I came home temporarily paralyzed but had a $1000 profit sitting in my Paypal account. That was the end of me working for anyone but myself. 

Over the last 15 years, I’ve become a best-selling author, run a multi-million dollar software company, released dozens of training programs, managed over $100k per month in Facebook and Google ads, and helped thousands of internet entrepreneurs get more leads from the web.

My experience has been weird, but not the bad kind. The amazing kind!  Very few people can rock at both content marketing and advertising. It’s usually one or the other. 

I’ve always insisted upon doing the things that I teach to ensure I only taught people things that still work right now.

The name “Immortal Marketing” started because I had a nasty habit of coming close to death and bouncing back. 

I’d had 2 major brushes with death before starting my business. It seems that every few years I get crazy sick with some weird combo of illnesses, but the early incidents were the ones I’ll tell you about here. 

I nearly died in 2003 by getting knocked in the head with the butt of a BB gun.  It missed my temple by an inch...

I walked away from the fight with my entire left side of my body covered in blood.  Some mine, some not.  

$30,000 worth of neurosurgery later and the hole in my head was repaired!!

During my coma in 2005, I hallucinated.  The entire time I was fighting.  In alleys.  In a boxing ring.  In fields.  I know I was lost somewhere in my mind, but I spent the 10 days while comatose fighting for my life while the work I’d done online made money for me and my family.

It was magical to come home in a wheelchair and discover that I’d made enough to pay most of our bills for that month.  While in a coma…

While I re-learned how to walk, I became obsessed with figuring out how to control the flow of money into our bank account.  I decided the best way to do that was to control the flow of traffic.

This discovery was enough to get me to spend the next few years staring into a computer monitor.  I forced myself to see beyond websites and discover how the internet works.  

I've actively spent thousands of hours doing the work myself, which is what sets me apart from others.  If you can do it to drive traffic, I actually tested it out and can tell you whether it's for you or not.

Since 2006, I've been sharing my tested strategies with tens of thousands of Marketers. I love being able to help people transform their work time from confused button-mashing to focused and strategic. Once you know what you should be doing, you can actually work less and make more.

I chose to name my company “Immortal Marketing” because it’s not good enough to be found, you need to be mesmerizing.  It’s not good enough to just exist, you have to become remarkable and get people talking.  When you’re ready to make people feel silly if they don’t buy from you, my help is what you’ll want to get there without having to waste months on tactics that won't work.

Head over to  Messenger via FB if you'd like to discuss whether I should be helping you work less and make more.